Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 1, fun in the sun

On Friday the 26th we slept in until 10 am! Then we went to a park by my grandparents house, Idlywood.

It was hot! About 26 celsius degrees or 79 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Then my sister, Hope, and I helped my grandpa Bob count his change.  American money looks different to New Zealand money.


  1. Hi Lucy, this is B4. We like reading your blog and hearing about your holiday. The playground looks really cool. You must be having fun. Mrs Harrington is going to show us some American money that she has in her coin collection. We looked at the globe to see where you are visiting and you are a long way away from us in New Zealand! We miss you, do you miss us?
    Love from B4

  2. Hi Byes, I miss you all very very much. I hope you are all well. Your friend, Lucy
